Tuesday, August 9, 2011

all hell is breaking loose in my garden

And I'm not really doing anything about it.

I've reached that August slump (happens every year) and the plants have taken over  a la Little Shop of Horrors.  Weeds, who cares about weeds?  It's too hot to be on hands and knees for hours picking them all out.  I'll recover sometime soon, clean up things a bit and get the fall sowings in, but for right now I'm surrendering.

My tallest tomato plant tops out at 7 feet 4 inches this morning, and yes there are flowers all the way at the top.  And the race is on to see which will ripen first.  Right now it's a dead heat between Green Zebras (one of my favorite heirlooms) and Sweet 100's (great cherry tomatoes).

I've got cucumbers coming out of my ears, and after 2 rounds of making and canning pickles I'm giving them away to anyone who will take them.  The vines are on the loose, I've given up trying to tie them up. I'll be honest, it looks like a mess, but I love it anyway.  There is something about when all those formal rows and neat little seedlings breaking free that really makes me happy.

next up, I guess I'll be making salsa

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