Tuesday, June 14, 2011


For those of you who don't know me well, I am a ridiculously early riser.  Up with the roosters was a saying that was made for me.  This doesn't mean however that I wake up super cheerful or anything.  Most days it takes a full cup of coffee, and a few minutes of peace before the rest of my household descends to make my day get off to the right start.

This morning as I was making my coffee and looking out the window at the pouring rain, I was thinking that another day is going to go by in which I can't get done what is needed in my garden right now.  Acquiescing to mother nature, I sat down at the computer to check my email, and read the news headlines. Following the ever depressing news headlines, I always check in on a blog called 1000 Awesome Things.  It's a reminder to appreciate the absolute smallest, mundane things to be grateful for and that are simply put awesome.  Today, #223 rocked my world.  Our first spring in this house, and it's happening almost everyday!

My all time favorites remain #475#587#478 and best of all #538.

Tongue of Fire beans - coming along awesomely!

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